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PBM association



Article 1 Name

A non-profit association in the sense of Art. 60ff exists under the name "puribeautymaker association". ZGB. The registered office of the association is in Bern.


Article 2 Objectives

The club has set itself the goal

a) to operate a beauty oasis (abbreviation: PBM) in Bern

b) to promote women's self-confidence

c) to safeguard the interests of women

d) To provide space for women to rediscover their self-confidence and, over time, to put it into practice

e) to practice mutual recognition and to cultivate solidarity

f) to cultivate cooperation with organizations with the same or similar objectives

g) Helping and orienting people without self-confidence

h) contacts and exchange of opinions and experiences with other women


Article 3 Members

Members of the association can be natural persons, partnerships and legal entities. Registration for membership must be made in writing to the Board of Directors, which will make the final decision on admission.


Art. 4 Resignation and exclusion

Withdrawal from the association is possible at any time/on a date.

The board can expel a member who acts contrary to the interests of the association. The exclusion takes place by a majority decision of the board of directors. The expelled member can appeal against an expulsion decision of the board within 30 days of the written notification of the same to the next association meeting. The appeal must be submitted to the Board of Directors. The general meeting decides with a Majority of one vote more than half of the members present definitely on the objection.

Art. 5 Organs of the association

The organs of the association are

a) the General Assembly

b) the board of directors

c) the auditors


Article 6 – The General Assembly

The general assembly is the supreme body of the association. In particular, their competence includes:

1. Election and dismissal of the members of the Board of Directors; 2. Election of the President of the Board; 3. Election of the auditors; 4. Approval of the association accounts; 5. Granting discharge to the Board of Directors; 6. Determination of the contributions to be paid by the members; 7. Resolution on acceptance and amendment of the statutes; 8. Appeal decisions on expulsion resolutions by the Executive Board; 9. Resolution on the dissolution of the association; 10. Passing resolutions on matters reserved for it by law or the articles of incorporation or submitted by the Board of Directors.


Article 7 – Convocation of the General Assembly

The General Assembly is convened by the President of the Board of Directors upon the decision of the Board of Directors. It must also be convened if one fifth of the members request this in writing.

The ordinary general meeting takes place once a year, at the latest six months after the end of the association year.

Ordinary general meetings must be convened at least 30 days before the general meeting, and extraordinary meetings must be called at least 10 days before the meeting. It must contain the business to be negotiated.


Article 8 - Voting rights and resolutions

Each member has one vote at the general assembly. The General Assembly makes its decisions and carries out the elections with a majority of one vote of more than half of the members present, unless the law provides otherwise.


Article 9 – The Board

The board consists of one or more members. With the exception of the President, who is elected by the General Assembly, it is self-constituting.

In particular, the competence of the Management Board includes:

1. Preparation of the general assembly; 2. Execution of the resolutions of the general assembly; 3. Resolution on the admission and possible exclusion of association members; 4. Treatment of suggestions, applications and complaints from association members; 5. Preparation of budget and annual accounts; 6. Management of the association's assets; 7. Activity related to the fulfillment of the purpose of the association.

He is also entitled to all other powers that are not expressly reserved for another body of the association by law or the statutes.


Article 10 – Representation and authority to sign

Externally, the association is represented by the board of directors. The Executive Board determines who is authorized to sign and how the type of signing is to be made.


Article 11 – The auditors

The general assembly elects one or two natural persons as auditors for a period of one year. The audit can also be assigned to a legal person alone (e.g. trust company, etc.).

The association's accounts must be closed annually. The auditors are obliged to examine the association's annual accounts and to report to the ordinary association meeting on the result of their examination.


Article 12 – Liability

Only the assets of the association are liable for the liabilities of the association. Any personal liability of its members is expressly excluded.


Article 13 – Dissolution and liquidation

The dissolution of the association requires the consent of more than half of the members of the association present at the general assembly. If the dissolution is decided, the liquidation is to be carried out by the board of directors, unless the general meeting appoints special liquidators.

The net assets remaining after the payment of all debts and other duties and after the settlement of other obligations is to be allocated to a provision corresponding to the purpose of the association by resolution of the general meeting.

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